inDocs inDexing Services
Skill in the art of indexing:
A skilled indexer need not be familiar with a subject in order to create a worthy index, although knowledge of a topic may mean that the time required to produce a deliverable can be shortened.
While inDocs inDexing specializes in spiritual and religious texts, a review of my resume will show that a wide variety of genres have been successfully indexed.
Delivery of a quality product:
The path to excellence requires a solid channel of communication with the client in order to adapt the index to meet both the desires of the author as well as the needs of the end-user. While an index will follow general indexing guidelines, a quality index will not be rigid and will allow for flexibility within indexing rules.
Clarity in communication:
The time frame between contracting indexing work and delivering a final product is approximately two weeks. It is the practice of InDocs InDexing to provide the client with updates on the index about twice per week until the final deliverable. This way, the feedback process can begin early and any adjustments or amendments can begin immediately.
Track record of dependability:
inDocs inDexing is listed with the Upwork company as a notable service, with a five-star rating. Both Elance and O-Desk have listed inDocs inDexing as having a 100% satisfaction rate.
On-time remittance:
An index is the last part of the book to be created before publication. It is crucial that the index be delivered on time. Unless otherwise specified, indexes are submitted by 9:00 a.m. on the due date. inDocs inDexing has never missed a deadline.
inDocs inDexing Services
Alexander Street Press
Palomar College, San Diego, CA
Practical Competency in Indexing
Kari Kells, Index West
Master's of Arts — Philosophy and Religion
California Institute of Integral Studies
Bachelor of Arts — Religious Studies
With Distinction
University of California, San Diego